Roadmap for my interview grind
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Arrays
- [x] Review the following algorithm: Maximum Subarray
- [x] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [x] Two Sum
- [x] Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- [x] Minimum Size Subarray Sum
- [x] Contains Duplicate
- [x] Product of Array Except Self
- [x] Maximum Subarray
- [ ] Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted
- [ ] Maximum Product Subarray
- [ ] Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- [ ] Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
- [ ] 3Sum
- [ ] Container With Most Water
- [x] Sliding Window Maximum
Hash Tables
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Hash Tables
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Strings
- [x] Review the following algorithm: Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
- [x] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Recursion
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Searching
- [x] Review the following algorithm: Binary Search
- [x] Review the following algorithm: Quickselect
- [x] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [x] Binary Search
- [x] Top K Frequent Elements
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Sorting
- [ ] Review the following algorithm: Bucket Sort
- [ ] Review the following algorithm: Cycle Sort
- [ ] Review the following algorithm: Topological Sort
- [x] Review the following algorithm: Merge Sort
- [x] Review the following algorithm: Quicksort
- [x] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
Data Structures
Linked Lists
- [x] Review the following documentation: Linked Lists
- [x] Review the following algorithm: Cycle Detection
- [x] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Queues
- [ ] Review the following data structure: Queue
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Stacks
- [ ] Review the following data structure: Stack
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Deques
- [ ] Review the following data structure: Deque
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Matrices
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Intervals
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
Advanced Data Structures
- [x] Review the following documentation: Trees
- [x] Review the following algorithm: Breadth-first Search (BFS)
- [x] Review the following algorithm: Depth-first Search (DFS)
- [x] Review the following algorithm: Tree Traversal
- [x] Review the following algorithm: Tree Operations
- [x] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [x] Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
- [x] Invert Binary Tree
- [x] Same Tree
- [x] Subtree of Another Tree
- [x] Validate Binary Search Tree
- [x] Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
- [x] Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
- [x] Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
- [x] Binary Tree Right Side View
- [x] Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
- [x] Kth Smallest Element in a BST
- [x] Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
- [x] Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Tries
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Graphs
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
- [x] Review the following documentation: Heaps
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Priority Queues
- [x] Review the following data structure: Heap
- [x] Review the following algorithm: Heapsort
- [x] Review the following algorithm: k-way Merge
- [x] Review the following algorithm: kth Smallest (Largest)
- [x] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Union-find
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
Dynamic Programming
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Dynamic Programming
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Backtracking
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Greedy
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Binary
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Math
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD
- [ ] Review the following documentation: Geometry
- [ ] Complete the following LeetCode problems:
- [ ] TBD