Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
* Use a sliding window where the left (buy) pointer keeps track of the best
possible buy time and the right (sell) pointer keeps track of the possible
sell time.
Sliding Window
The sliding window technique uses two pointers which maintain a "window" of
elements that moves through an array or string in a specific way. The window
can grow or shrink depending on certain conditions, but the pointers do not
cross. This ensures that each value in the array is only accessed at most twice
and the time complexity is still O(n). This is referred to as amortized
analysis. The sliding window approach is particularly useful when you need to
find a subarray or substring that meets certain criteria.
import sys
class Solution:
def maxProfit(self, prices: list[int]) -> int:
min_price, max_profit = sys.maxsize, 0
for p in prices:
if p < min_price:
min_price = p
elif p - min_price > max_profit:
max_profit = p - min_price
return max_profit
class SlidingWindowSolution:
def maxProfit(self, prices: list[int]) -> int:
# Maintain two pointers, where `left` tracks the best possible buy time
# and `right` tracks the possible sell time. It is important to note
# that these pointers represent different things.
left, right, max_profit = 0, 1, 0
while right < len(prices):
current_profit = prices[right] - prices[left]
if prices[left] < prices[right]:
max_profit = max(current_profit, max_profit)
# If the current price is lower than the current best possible
# buying price (prices[left]), update left, since this could be
# a better buying opportunity.
left = right
right += 1
return max_profit
# Though the following solution is optimized such that `max()` is only called
# when the index of the current price is equal to the index of the current max,
# its worse case runtime is still O(n^2) (runs n(n-1)/2 times).
class OptimizedNaiveSolution:
def maxProfit(self, prices: list[int]) -> int:
max_price: list[int] = [0, 0] # index, value
max_profit = 0
for i, p in enumerate(prices):
if i >= max_price[0]:
max_price[1] = max(prices[i:])
if max_price[1] - p > max_profit:
max_profit = max_price[1] - p
return max_profit
# This is fundamentally a brute force solution, as `max()` must iterate over
# the list `n` times.
class NaiveSolution:
def maxProfit(self, prices: list[int]) -> int:
max_profit = 0
for i, p in enumerate(prices):
max_price = max(prices[i:])
if max_price - p > max_profit:
max_profit = max_price - p
return max_profit