Quickselect (also known as Hoare's selection algorithm) is a selection algorithm to find the kth smallest (or largest) element in an unordered list of n elements.
Quickselect (also known as Hoare's selection algorithm) is a selection
algorithm to find the kth smallest (or largest) element in an unordered list of
n elements.
Quickselect uses the same overall approach as quicksort, choosing one element
as a pivot and partitioning the data in two based on the pivot, accordingly as
less than or greater than the pivot. However, instead of recursing into both
sides, as in quicksort, quickselect only recurses into one side – the side with
the element it is searching for. This reduces the average complexity from
O(nlog n) to O(n), with a worst case of O(n^2).
from typing import List
from .shared.partition import partition
def quickselect(l: List[int], left: int, right: int, k: int) -> int:
Return the k-th element in the given list.
if left == right:
return l[left]
# Retrieve the index of the pivot by paritioning the list into elements
# less than and greater than or equal to the pivot.
pivot = partition(l, left, right)
# If k is equal to 'pivot', then 'pivot' is the k-th element in the list.
# Otherwise, execute quickselect on the parition comprising elments less
# then or greater than or equal to k.
if k == pivot:
return l[k]
elif k < pivot:
return quickselect(l, left, pivot - 1, k)
return quickselect(l, pivot + 1, right, k)
The `partition` function (in linear time) groups a list (ranging from indices
'left' to 'right') into two parts: those less than a certain element, and those
greater than or equal to the element.
This implementation uses the Lomuto partition scheme, which chooses as the
pivot the last element in the array.
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The algorithm maintains index i as it scans the array using another index j
such that the elements at lo through i-1 (inclusive) are less than the pivot,
and the elements at i through j (inclusive) are equal to or greater than the
It is used in both the quickselect and quicksort algorithms.
from typing import List
def partition(l: List[int], left: int, right: int) -> int:
Reorder the list such that elements less than the pivot are before elements
greater than or equal to the pivot. When complete, the pivot is in its
final sorted position. The pivot is always the last element in the list
(Lomuto partition scheme).
NOTE: We cannot simply use a slice of a list, since rearranging the
elements in the slice will not reorder the elements in the original list.
def swap(l: List[int], i: int, j: int) -> None:
Swaps the element at index i with the element at index j.
temp = l[j]
l[j] = l[i]
l[i] = temp
# Choose the last element (right) as the pivot.
pivot = l[right]
# i (commonly referred to as the "store index") is used to denote the index
# of the pivot. j is used for scanning the list from `left` to `right - 1`.
i, j = left, left
# The loop maintains the following invariant:
# Elements 'left' through i-1 (inclusive) are less than 'pivot'
# Elements 'i' through j (inclusive) are greater than or equal to 'pivot'
while j < right:
if l[j] < pivot:
swap(l, i, j)
i += 1
j += 1
# As a final step, move pivot to its final position. This will be its final
# position in the sorted array.
swap(l, i, right)
# Return the index of the pivot. The pivot index can be used to determine
# the new 'left' and 'right' arguments for quicksort or can be used to
# determine the k-th element in a list.
return i