The Neetcode 150 is the "Blind 75" plus 75 more problems. It's a more beginner friendly and comprehensive list.
Arrays & Hashing
- [x] Contains Duplicate
- [x] Valid Anagram
- [x] Two Sum
- [ ] Group Anagrams
- [ ] Top K Frequent Elements
- [x] Product of Array Except Self
- [ ] Valid Sudoku
- [ ] Encode and Decode Strings
- [ ] Longest Consecutive Sequence
Two Pointers
- [x] Valid Palindrome
- [ ] Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted
- [ ] 3Sum
- [ ] Container With Most Water
- [ ] Trapping Rain Water
Sliding Window
- [x] Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- [x] Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- [x] Longest Repeating Character Replacement
- [x] Permutation In String
- [x] Minimum Window Substring
- [x] Sliding Window Maximum
- [x] Valid Parentheses
- [ ] Min Stack
- [ ] Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
- [ ] Generate Parentheses
- [ ] Daily Temperatures
- [ ] Car Fleet
- [ ] Largest Rectangle In Histogram
Binary Search
- [x] Binary Search
- [ ] Search a 2D Matrix
- [ ] Koko Eating Bananas
- [ ] Find Minimum In Rotated Sorted Array
- [ ] Search In Rotated Sorted Array
- [ ] Time Based Key Value Store
- [ ] Median of Two Sorted Arrays
Linked List
- [x] Reverse Linked List
- [x] Merge Two Sorted Lists
- [x] Reorder List
- [x] Remove Nth Node From End of List
- [ ] Copy List With Random Pointer
- [ ] Add Two Numbers
- [x] Linked List Cycle
- [ ] Find The Duplicate Number
- [ ] LRU Cache
- [ ] Merge k Sorted Lists
- [ ] Reverse Nodes In K Group
- [x] Invert Binary Tree
- [x] Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
- [ ] Diameter of Binary Tree
- [ ] Balanced Binary Tree
- [x] Same Tree
- [x] Subtree of Another Tree
- [x] Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
- [x] Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
- [x] Binary Tree Right Side View
- [ ] Count Good Nodes In Binary Tree
- [x] Validate Binary Search Tree
- [x] Kth Smallest Element in a BST
- [x] Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
- [x] Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
- [x] Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
Heap / Priority Queue
- [ ] Kth Largest Element In a Stream
- [ ] Last Stone Weight
- [x] K Closest Points to Origin
- [ ] Kth Largest Element In An Array
- [ ] Task Scheduler
- [ ] Design Twitter
- [x] Find Median from Data Stream
- [ ] Subsets
- [ ] Combination Sum
- [ ] Permutations
- [ ] Subsets II
- [ ] Combination Sum II
- [ ] Word Search
- [ ] Palindrome Partitioning
- [ ] Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
- [ ] N Queens
- [ ] Number of Islands
- [ ] Clone Graph
- [ ] Max Area of Island
- [ ] Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
- [ ] Surrounded Regions
- [ ] Rotting Oranges
- [ ] Walls And Gates
- [ ] Course Schedule
- [ ] Course Schedule II
- [ ] Redundant Connection
- [ ] Number of Connected Components In An Undirected Graph
- [ ] Graph Valid Tree
- [ ] Word Ladder
Advanced Graphs
- [ ] Reconstruct Itinerary
- [ ] Min Cost to Connect All Points
- [ ] Network Delay Time
- [ ] Swim In Rising Water
- [ ] Alien Dictionary
- [ ] Cheapest Flights Within K Stops
1-D Dynamic Programming
- [x] Climbing Stairs
- [ ] Min Cost Climbing Stairs
- [x] House Robber
- [ ] House Robber II
- [x] Longest Palindromic Substring
- [x] Palindromic Substrings
- [ ] Decode Ways
- [x] Coin Change
- [ ] Maximum Product Subarray
- [ ] Word Break
- [x] Longest Increasing Subsequence
- [ ] Partition Equal Subset Sum
2-D Dynamic Programming
- [ ] Unique Paths
- [x] Longest Common Subsequence
- [ ] Best Time to Buy And Sell Stock With Cooldown
- [ ] Coin Change II
- [ ] Target Sum
- [ ] Interleaving String
- [ ] Longest Increasing Path In a Matrix
- [ ] Distinct Subsequences
- [ ] Edit Distance
- [ ] Burst Balloons
- [ ] Regular Expression Matching
- [x] Maximum Subarray
- [ ] Jump Game
- [ ] Jump Game II
- [ ] Gas Station
- [ ] Hand of Straights
- [ ] Merge Triplets to Form Target Triplet
- [ ] Partition Labels
- [ ] Valid Parenthesis String
- [ ] Insert Interval
- [ ] Merge Intervals
- [ ] Non Overlapping Intervals
- [ ] Meeting Rooms
- [ ] Meeting Rooms II
- [ ] Minimum Interval to Include Each Query
Math & Geometry
- [ ] Rotate Image
- [ ] Spiral Matrix
- [ ] Set Matrix Zeroes
- [ ] Happy Number
- [ ] Plus One
- [ ] Pow(x, n)
- [ ] Multiply Strings
- [ ] Detect Squares
Bit Manipulation
- [ ] Single Number
- [ ] Number of 1 Bits
- [ ] Counting Bits
- [ ] Reverse Bits
- [ ] Missing Number
- [ ] Sum of Two Integers
- [ ] Reverse Integer