Solution for Problem 1 of the technical interview
Problem 1
Create a function. Takes in a string. Returns true if there are duplicate characters in the string otherwise returns false.
Create a hash set (hash table), where each key is a character in the string. Loop over the string and add characters to the hash set if they are not already in it. If a character is already in the hash set, return true. Return false if the loop completes without finding a duplicate.
NOTE: Hash table lookups are O(1).
What happens if the string is infinitely long?
The string cannot be infinitely long, since, assuming a UTF-16 character set, once all the characters in the set are exhausted, you must begin to duplicate characters. This must occur at n+1, where n is the size of the character set.
package main
// findDuplicate returns true if `s` has a duplicate. Otherwise, returns false.
func findDuplicate(s string) bool {
table := make(map[rune]bool)
// Loop over `s`. If a character (rune) is in hash set, return true. If not,
// add the character to the hash set.
for _, elem := range s {
_, ok := table[elem]
if ok {
return true
} else {
table[elem] = true
return false