Solution for the demo of the Amazon online assessment
Problem 1
What is the difference between <span>
and <div>
The <span>
HTML tag is an inline container, whereas the <div>
HTML tag defines a division or block in an HTML document.
Problem 2
For each multiple of 3, print "Fizz" instead of the number. For each multiple of 5, print "Buzz" instead of the number. For numbers which are multiples of both 3 and 5, print "FizzBuzz" instead of the number.
package main
import "fmt"
// Complete the 'fizzBuzz' function below.
// The function accepts INTEGER n as parameter.
// fizzBuzz prints "Fizz" instead of the number for each multiple of 3, prints
// "Buzz" instead of the number for each multiple of 5, and prints "FizzBuzz"
// instead of the number for numbers which are multiples of both 3 and 5.
func fizzBuzz(n int32) {
// Constraints:
// * 0 < n < 2 * 10^5
if n <= 0 || n >= 200000 {
for i := int32(1); i <= n; i++ {
switch {
case i%3 == 0 && i%5 == 0: // Can also use i%15
case i%3 == 0:
case i%5 == 0:
fmt.Printf("%d\n", i)