


  • Date: January 29th, 2024
  • Format: 45-minute Preliminary Screen


Given a class Company, implement the following functions:

def manager(employee: str, manager: str) -> None:
    Indicates that 'employee' is a direct report of 'manager'
def peer(employee: str, other: str) -> None:
    Indicates that 'employee' and 'other' are peers (same manager)
def reports_to(employee: str, other: str) -> bool:
    Returns `True` if 'employee' reports directly or indirectly to 'other',
    otherwise returns `False`


  • Company is an n-ary tree
  • A hash map is used to account for nodes in the tree
  • A node in the tree has the following shape:
class Node:
    _id: str = ""
    manager: Optional[Node] = None
    direct_reports: List[Node] = []
    peers: List[Node] = []


manager(employee: str, manager: str)

  • If employee or manager does not exist, create it, then associate employee with manager via manager property.

peer(employee: str, other: str))

  • If employee or other does not exist, create it, then associate employee with manager via manager property.

reports_to(employee: str, other: str) -> bool:

  • Check if employee.manager == other, else recurse using employee.manager as employee in call to reports_to.


From Grind Hell, with Love

All the technical interview questions I've recieved with accompanying solutions.